Food & Beverages
Welcome to Food Products! We offer a wide range of fast-moving consumer products that cater to the diverse tastes and preferences of our customers in DR Congo. Our selection includes imported food items, consumer packaged goods, snacks, and beverages. Our consumers include individuals and families who value convenience, quality, and affordability. Whether you're looking for everyday essentials or specialty items, we've got you covered. Browse our food section today and discover new flavors and favorites!
Food & Beverages
Welcome to Food Products! We offer a wide range of fast-moving consumer products that cater to the diverse tastes and preferences of our customers in DR Congo. Our selection includes imported food items, consumer packaged goods, snacks, and beverages. Our consumers include individuals and families who value convenience, quality, and affordability. Whether you're looking for everyday essentials or specialty items, we've got you covered. Browse our food section today and discover new flavors and favorites!

Bon Appétit Mayonnaise

Bon Appétit Ketchup

Bon Appétit Macoroni

Bon Déjeuner Food Product Range

Bon Déjeuner Fruit Jam

Bon Déjeuner Oats

Bon Déjeuner Biscuit

Bom Dia Mayonnaise

Bom Dia Milk

Mr Potato Chips

Puro Junior Juice

Almarai Tropical Juice

Beyti Juice

Benny Spice Chicken